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Monday Mayhem – Giving up fear for Lent
Giving up fear for Lent has meant facing some of my greatest fears: I had ants take over my desk and I am terrified of ants. Jim’s ex...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Stop being afraid of what you don’t know
The other day I was talking to a friend and I said to her, “Stop being afraid of what you don’t know — that’s the adventure!” I...

Monday Mayhem – Fear = Quicksand, 3 steps to not staying stuck
On January 22, 2017 I wrote this essay titled Fear. A few months later it got published on Kind Over Matter, a website dedicated to being...

Monday Mayhem – Anger…again…
What if anger didn’t lead to violence? What if anger didn’t lead to violence perpetrated by ourselves against our own bodies or other...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – 2 Secrets about me
Secret #1 – I used to be terrified of public speaking. When I was in my speech and debate class I would literally throw up before having...

10 Things I Wouldn’t Have Done if I Stayed Afraid of CRITICISM!
10. Built a BOMB ASS following online! That has led to connections with: Magical Feminists Kick Ass Academics Gorgeous friendships ...

White Supremacy and Speaking Out
The events in Charlottesville, VA 10 days ago smacked me in the face and left me paralyzed. White supremacy is is NOT OK. It makes me...

Rip Your Chest Open and Fillet your Soul
I am finished. Done. It is over. One year of a PhD program under my belt. One more year of raising three beautiful children under my...
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