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Curiosity didn’t kill the cat, misogyny did.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “curiosity killed the cat”? That phrase...UGH...I really loathe that phrase. The way that phrase has been...

Step into endless possibility!
Listen y’all. It is time for you to embrace the unknown. When I was a kid, one of my favorite books in the whole world was, “There’s a...

A simple secret that makes life infinitely better
Celebrate EVERYTHING! No really. EVERYTHING! Celebrate when you stand up for yourself! Celebrate when you replace the toilet paper right...

Are you making the same mistake as me?
I am going to be really honest with you. I have spent the last 7 years learning a really tough lesson in scarcity. 7 years ago I moved in...

Self care is a tool of the patriarchy
Listen to me read this blog right here! Last week I was walking the dogs and talking to a friend of mine on the phone. Somehow we got on...

What is your soul purpose?
Listen to me read this blog! What is your soul purpose? Do you question what you are even doing here? Do you wonder if you will ever be...

Engage in the ultimate act of rebellion!
Listen to me read this blog right here! The change that happens when you listen to the whispers of your calling are so fundamental that...

The universe has your back and God is cheering you on.
Listen to me read this blog right here! You have many options and opportunities from which you can choose. Sometimes that can be super...

A teensy love note from me to you
Listen to me read this blog post! I love writing little messages to myself that I go back and read months and sometimes years later. As I...

Nasty bugger that fear
Listen to me read this blog post here! I have talked to a lot of clients since starting my coaching business 2 years ago and every single...
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