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Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Are you choking on your manners?
I grew up with a grandma who was obsessed with Emily Post. Manners ruled everything in her house. She was old school with a side of...

Monday Mayhem – This Pagan Christian Woman Walks into a bar
Just kidding…I walked into a church but none the less the premise is the same. One day in 2017 I walked into an Episcopal Church with my...

Monday Mayhem – Conscious Transformational Love
Conscious love is “love in the service of inner transformation”—or if you prefer, “inner transformation in the service of love.” –...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Pro choice/Anti abortion shame
Fundamentally the pro choice/anti abortion movement cannot survive without women. It’s survival is built on the foundational premise that...

Monday Mayhem – I keep journals in my purse
I keep journals in my purse. I keep journals in my purse to write down inspiring thoughts. I keep journals in my purse to write down...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Poem for Graceful Revolution
Grace is the revolution Grace is stepping into the unknown Grace is willingness to fail Grace is being open to hearing how you have hurt...

Monday Mayhem – You Are Worthy
As a child I used to tell stories that were more 1/2 truth than truth. I did it because I wanted people to see me and I wanted to feel...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – The revolution is within you
This week I walked in three different labyrinths. This is what I wrote after my walks. The revolution is within you. The calling is...

Monday Mayhem – How do you receive love?
The Universe sure does want me to recognize my capacity to receive the gifts it is trying to send me right now. Unexpectedly, Mary...

Monday Mayhem – Love One Another
I grew up hearing “love one another.” It was a phrase woven into the fabric of the culture I grew up in in Utah. Often said, rarely...
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