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Monday Mayhem – Stop running from yourself
Have you noticed we are always trying to escape? But what are we trying to escape from? Our birthright? Our calling? Our purpose? How...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Say exactly what you think
Kids very often say exactly what they think. They have no filter. When they see injustice they don’t think, “well that is awful but I...

Monday Mayhem – Rachel Held Evans – Woman of Valor, eshet chayil
One time I was driving on the 5 freeway on my way to Portland and I was listening to Jen Hatmaker’s For the Love podcast. She was...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – I love and cherish you my friend…
Yesterday I received a surprise package in the mail. There was a note inside that said, “I love and cherish you my friend. Don’t you ever...

Monday Mayhem – I have a prayer
I have a soul calling. I have heard it in my heart ever since I was a little girl. It is a compulsion that I have spent most of my life...

Monday Mayhem – Look up at the sky
When I was a little girl I would lay on the grass and gaze up at the sky and wonder if anyone could see me down here. I would watch the...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Misogyny Says
Misogyny says you are unworthy of investing in yourself and if you do you are selfish. Misogyny says if you spend money helping yourself...

Monday Mayhem – You are the grandest tree in the forest
I am a Natural Born Rebel. I am attracted to other rebels. The outside the box thinkers. The people who love to solve problems without...

Monday Mayhem – 5 things you can do to find your voice
In my workshops and speeches I talk a lot about finding and elevating your voice. Here are 5 things you can do anytime to find your voice...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Am I a feminist?
Merriam-Webster says feminism is: noun fem·i·nism\ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm\ 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the...
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