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Monday Mayhem – Switch the men with the ladies and the ladies with the men
What if we just switched them all out with women? Not by political party, just by gender. No really, what if we took every single man who...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Vote B*tches
Vote because these women weren’t force fed and beaten for you to NOT vote: Vote because this is what happens when fascism is allowed to...

Monday Mayhem – White Supremacy reigning supreme
I wrote this on 10/27/18. As the news was rolling in that many people had been shot in a Pittsburgh Synagogue, I silently wept while...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – Metallica comes to mind
Lately I have been thinking a lot about my motivation. What motivates me? What gets me going? What keeps me engaged in the quest for...

Monday Mayhem – YIPPEE I got a troll!
Oh, guess what? I have a new YouTube channel with all my amazing FB live videos on it! And do you know what I received as a special bonus...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – I EFFING LOVE YOU!
When is the last time you got a juicy love letter? Dear you, Yes YOU. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for gracing me with your...

Monday Mayhem – Sharing your gifts with others
As we were driving to church yesterday morning, I saw Rebecca Campbell‘s post about connecting with Mother Earth on Instagram. I thought...

Monday Mayhem – Formalize the Soapbox
This morning I was guest lecturing in a class at 6 AM my time (yes I am sleep deprived, this may ramble). One of the students asked me...

Eff Sh*t Up Friday – I am a prickly pear
Reasons to be angry: Boys will be boys unless they are black boys and especially if they are Brett Kavanaugh. A woman is beaten every...

Monday Mayhem – 3 ways you can stop making excuses right now!
Excuses. Everybody has them. I make excuses all the time. My husband will get mad, my kids will be upset, my friends won’t understand....
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