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Who are you?
My name is Dr. Melissa Bird, PhD. I am an activist. I am a social worker. I believe in the power of Twitter. I drive a convertible Camaro...

Sexual Assault/Harassment at USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work must not be ignored
Yesterday a student at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work filed suit against a former professor of mine because of the...

Monday Mayhem: October shenanigans and a special commentary about #Forced Pregnancy
I have felt it like a rumbling thrumming deep down in my veins, pulsing in my ears. It makes my fingers tingle, it makes the back of my...

Thursday Thoughts: Guns, Guns, Guns
This week we had a mass shooting. Again. I thought to myself, “what can I say about this to my followers?” Then I thought, wait a minute,...

Monday Mayhem: Affirmations of Badassery
A few months ago I asked four of my dearest friends to, “think of five words that I offer women”. I don’t know why. I think I was feeling...

Relentlessly Pursuing Magic-Marginalized No More
“The quality of light by which we scrutinize our lives has direct bearing upon the product which we live, and upon the changes which we...

Writing While Female
This week @JW4Hillary posted on Twitter that Hillary Clinton was, “guilty of writing while female”. The Internets have BLOWN UP because a...
The Word of the Bird #1
This is what happens when you give a girl a writing prompt that contains the word “angry” in it. I wrote this piece as a reaction to the...

White Supremacy and Speaking Out
The events in Charlottesville, VA 10 days ago smacked me in the face and left me paralyzed. White supremacy is is NOT OK. It makes me...

Marginalized No More Activism Program is Launching in September
Like many of you who use social media, my friend Briana and I connected on Facebook during the 2016 election season when a mutual friend...
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