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A special Thanksgiving Message
Several years ago my husband and I made the decision to discontinue his family tradition of Thanksgiving. We made this decision because...

Let me tell you a secret about my job
“I still don’t know why I am here. I think it is because I am magic or something.” “I call working with you Filet of Soul. You peel off...

Healing From Grief
There is a glorious power in grief. Our connectedness to grief and loss is simultaneously exhausting and exquisite. Grief gives us an...

By what we have done, and by what we have left undone
In the Episcopal Church, we make our confession together every Sunday. I have been making this confession since I started going to church...

The Life of a Rebel
The life of the Natural Born Rebel is rich with stories of surmounting obstacles, navigating dangerous terrain, and self-protection in...

Reflecting On Life Since 2016
I will say this about the pandemic, it sure has presented me with many opportunities of reflection. ❤️ Recently, I looked back on the...

Toxic Gratitude
When I first started my own personal coaching journey four years ago, I began a practice of daily gratitude. This practice was something...

I have recently been giving a lot of thought to our communal heartbeat. At a time when regard for human life has become so pronounced and...

What Does It Mean?
Recently I have noticed a common theme with my clients... They are craving a deep connection to themselves and their intuition. This...

Authenticity In The Face Of Change
Do you remember that scene from Alice in Wonderland where she meets the caterpillar? He keeps asking her over and over again, “Who are...
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