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The March
“Woman has to understand her role. Her role is not to worship god; Her role is to be the very self of God. Her oneness can affect and...

I Am Angry At America
I feel myself slithering up from the depths of only grief looking slightly like Golum from the inside out. A demonic sinister look in my...

A peaceful protest message
Today I was honored to be asked to close out a peaceful protest at the campus of CSUSB. It was a remarkable event with hundreds in...

I have thought about blogging about the presidential election potentially 150 million times since April, 2015. But I didn’t. I didn’t...

84 Backers
84 backers 84 people who are committed to women 84 people who are committed to research on women 84 people who believe in the power of...

13 Days left in my 28 Day Cycle
28 Days 28 Days in a menstrual cycle 28 Days in this Kickstarter campaign 13 Days left in this campaign August 28 is when we find out if...

I have been sitting on this blog since January. I was trying to figure out how to get it just right. I was afraid of pissing someone off....

A Graceful Homeless Revolution
This week begins the yearly count of homeless individuals around Orange County (and elsewhere in California). For me there is great irony...

Today I Pray We Won’t Go Back
Today is the anniversary of Roe. Where I pray for the future of my daughters and their right to choose when they have children and to...

Death-December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015 I am supposed to be coding my data for my qualifying exam right now but instead I am texting my husband to tell him...
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