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I have some dangerous questions for you...
I have some dangerous questions for you: Do you hear that inner voice? Trust it. Are you trying to accomplish something? Get clear by...

A love letter to my glorious rebels
To my glorious rebels... Let this righteous fury fuel your resolve to change the way your life is right now. You can’t control the world...

What would it take for people to love you?
A while ago I asked my clients what they think they have to do to receive love from the people in their world. Their answers were all...

The tears that help me keep going
Last week I wept. I wept for the fear. I wept for the loss. I wept for a world that will no longer be the same. Small tears that barely...

The Secret Power of Imperfect Rituals
What are your rituals? Do you have any rituals? Do you wish you were better at rituals? If you don’t engage in perfect ritual do you...

If you are feeling overwhelmed, do this...
The other day I was answering a series of questions that I had gotten from Lindsay Mack who has a beautiful website and podcast called...

Did you hear that?
Do you hear that? That is the sound of Rebel School opening up for enrollment again! Are you holding onto some stories that just aren’t...

Have you ever been stuck in this cycle?
I have a really incredible client who is one of the most talented artists I have ever had the honor of knowing. I mean y’all she is...

What happens when you give up perfectionism
Each month I ask myself, what do I need to release and leave behind in order to do this? Each month I get the answer and think, “Well DUH...

Did you know that your ideas are ready for the world?
Did you know that your ideas are ready for the world? No really, that amazing idea you have been thinking about is ready, she has...
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