No really.
Celebrate when you stand up for yourself!
Celebrate when you replace the toilet paper right away!
Celebrate when you get the promotion!
Celebrate when you actually make it to your hair appointment on time!
Celebrate when your kids make it to school without you!
Celebrate when your kids make it home without you!
Celebrate when your partner picks up his dirty socks!
Celebrate when you are in your car with no one and you can sing at the top of your lungs!
Celebrate when you make your first $1!
Celebrate when you make your first $100,000!
Celebrate when you quit the shitty job, leave the shitty relationship, dump the shitty friend!
Celebrate when you land the perfect job, have the best sex of your life, find the perfect bestie!
No really.
When you celebrate all the things more amazing things happen.
When you celebrate and express gratitude you are instantly given more things to be grateful for.
When you celebrate it brings you closer to your true essence of who you are at your core.
When you celebrate you rise to the vision of your true self.
This week I challenge you to celebrate everything!
Share your joy with your friends and your family.
Express your gratitude!
I love you so hard!
Rock on,
Dr. Melissa Bird
PS. Are you ready to celebrate major clarity, expansion in thought and action, and your own personal rebellion? I would LOVE to have you join us in The Graceful Revolution, I want to do the happy dance with you!