Grace is the revolution
Grace is stepping into the unknown
Grace is willingness to fail
Grace is being open to hearing how you have hurt others and changing your response to life instead of using defensiveness to cope
Grace is knowing that something bigger than you is giving you strength
Grace is knowing you have no control and being ok with that knowing
Grace is the silence between the hard conversations
Grace is the light in the darkest hour
Grace is total surrender
Grace is receiving unconditional love in all of its forms
Grace gives us a way out of the mess
Grace is peace
Grace is loving
Grace is kind
Grace is breathing through the pain and grounding yourself in the foundation of Mother Earth
Grace is the elegance of the divine feminine in word and deed
Grace is infinite love
Grace is openness to the divine
Grace is the revolution
It’s Friday, get messy in the revolution! xoxo,
Dr. Melissa Bird
PS. I am enrolling for Rebel School. Only 8/10 spots left. Sign up TODAY!