Kids very often say exactly what they think. They have no filter.
When they see injustice they don’t think, “well that is awful but I can’t do anything.” They think, “Wow, that is gross, I want to fix that. I wonder what I can do to fix that.”
In 2012, I took my daughter to an exhibit called “Half the Sky” at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. She had just turned 10 and we were on her birthday date. I wanted her to see the lives of other women and girls in other parts of the world.
At the end of the exhibit each person was asked to commit to doing something to impact the lives of women and girls and post their commitment on the wall. Katelynn wrote that she was going to do a bake sale for Women for Women International.
Katie raised a little over $200 in her bake sale.
We went and got a bank check and mailed it to Women for Women International with a note. They couldn’t believe that Katie had taken the initiative to create this idea. They were so impressed that they held a virtual bake sale for their supporters.
And they raised an additional $1000!!!!!
She raised over $1200 because she was shocked about how women are treated in other parts of the world. Katie is almost 18 years old. And she wants to work for Women for Women someday.
You see…taking action means we need to think more like kids. They see something is wrong and they think…I can change that.
What do you see in the world that shocks and appalls you? What can you do about it? It doesn’t have to be large – you just have to think like a kid.
Do you have a burning desire to make a change in your community? Join me for Rebel school in August. Apply today.
It’s Friday, mess it up! xoxo, Dr. Melissa Bird