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Eff Sh*t Up Friday – She’ll be worse they said…

My vote doesn’t count they said.

The Supreme Court isn’t a big deal they said.

The lesser of 2 evils they said.

She is worse they said.

I wish I could explain to you the depths of the anger I feel towards you.

My birth control will never get taken away they said.

I can still make a living they said.

It doesn’t matter if he becomes president, he won’t do anything THAT bad they said.

She is worse they said.

I wish I could explain to you the depths of the anger I feel towards you.


Out of darkness comes the light SHE said.

Destruction leads to growth SHE said.

Stir up the masses SHE said.

Breathe deep into your intuition SHE said.

Breathe in the knowledge that you are magic, breathe out the knowledge that you are ready.

Our time was not in 2016…

Our time was not in 2017…

Our time begins…RIGHT NOW!

I want you to be my coaching client. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult today! You can do that right here.

Get my FREE handbook “5 Can’t Miss Steps to Finding Your Voice” RIGHT NOW!

It’s Friday, fuck shit up y’all, Dr. Melissa Bird



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