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Eff Sh*t Up Friday – The Army of Women

I am surrounded by strong, powerful women. I am surrounded by intelligent, thoughtful women. I am surrounded by beautiful, sexy women. I am surrounded by creative, witchy women.


I work with women who get so caught up in their day they feel depleted. I work with women who get so caught up in their day they feel a lack of connection. I work with women who get so caught up in their day they crave comfort. I work with women who get so caught up in their day they need a reset.

Craving comfort isn’t something that has to be destructive. Being angry doesn’t meant that you are not lovable. Telling our stories is an act of graceful revolution. We have to stop struggling against our own wants and desires.


Today…RIGHT FUCKING NOW…break free from the bondage of fear paralysis. Today…RIGHT FUCKING NOW…stop blaming & shaming yourself for not being better. Today…RIGHT FUCKING NOW…forgive yourself to letting yourself down. Today…RIGHT FUCKING NOW…connect with your own version of the woman army.

We are acting like we are drowning – and we will drown if we continue to struggle. We are acting like we have no hope – and there will be none if we don’t create it. We are acting like we cannot experience pleasure – touch yourself where it feels good. We are acting like we are losing – in reality…we are just waking up.

Have an amazing weekend my friends.

I want you to be my coaching client. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult today! You can do that right here.

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It’s Friday, fuck shit up y’all, Dr. Melissa Bird



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