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Friday Funday!

WOAH! This week has been a whirlwind of excitement at Bird Girl Industries and I am so excited to share some great happenings with you.

My Latest Publication I can hardly believe the joy I feel at having another essay published on the amazing website Kind Over Matter. The story of fear is one that all of us can relate to. In this powerful essay, I talk about how I overcame the paralysis that comes from not facing what we fear the most.

Here is a snippet: “Fear is my own weapon that I use against myself in order to silence my words and force me into patriarchal submission. Fear is a mechanism by which we are driven to avoid, instead of motivated by what we want to create. Fear allows us to shut out the divine so that we can “should” ourselves into submission.”

Intrigued? Check out the full essay here! Inspired? Share it on your social media!

Creativity and Chaos I had a really inspiring conversation with my good friend Becky Drinnen about making the shift from my PhD program to professor, writer, and public speaker. I have been struggling with the notion that the structure I had grown used to as a student is now gone and I have been trying to find something to take its place. Becky reminded me to enjoy “living in the mess”.



She is right…chaos is really the creative process at work and I am writing up some programs that are so rich with passionate possibility you aren’t going to want to miss them!

Workshop Shenanigans When my friend and colleague Chelsea Sanders asked me to be a part of the BeGoldenStayGolden conference in Bloomington, Indiana I was so excited I danced for 20 minutes in my kitchen.

Be Golden is a multi-day experience to inspire and empower individuals to lead unapologetically authentic lives. Not only do I get to spend time with keynote speakers Susan Hyatt, Luvvie Ajay, and Elliott Sailors but I get to give a workshop that will FAN THE FLAMES of badassery to cultivate wild, delicious change in our lives and our communities.

be golden

Plus it is the week of my birthday so I think you should all join me to celebrate! For tickets to this MUST SEE event click right here! There is a special July rate of only $399 if you enter the word “golden” at check-out. I can’t wait to see you there.

Have a great weekend y’all. Cheers, Missy



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