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I am grateful for...

I am grateful for tea and the sunrise and morning quiet.

I am grateful for random talks with my husband and his strong, loving embrace.

I am grateful for a calendar and a schedule, for lotion and for books.

I am grateful for my inquisitive mind and wondering soul.

I am grateful for Amy Wolff and for all opportunities to learn and to grow.

I am grateful for magic and prayer.

I am grateful for the 20 women who came to The Gathering last October.

I am grateful for the women who keep showing up for Rebel School and for the opportunity to help women learn and grow.

I am grateful for my body in all its forms.

I am grateful for Sean’s ability to talk and understand irony.

I am grateful for the ability to pay my bills, for not being worried about money, for the opportunity to work and care for those I love.

I am grateful for Jim and the kids and deer skulls on my altar and Joan Osborne.

I am grateful for Dakota Justice and Matthew Denckla and Facebook filters.

I am grateful for laughing until I pee.

Human beings are not meant to be judges of other humans and if they are they are meant to do it out of love, not contempt. Are you ready to be called into your power and fall into love? I would LOVE to chat with you about working with me. Get on my schedule and let’s talk today!

I love you,

Dr. Melissa Bird



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