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Messages from the storm

We are born of the air and the fire.

We are made up of the water and the earth.

As the storm rages outside your door, what is stirring up inside of you?

Will you blow away with the wind or soar like the birds upon the thermals?

Several weeks ago I was listening to the rain and the thunder.

My heart was beating with the storm outside my home.

The wind was carrying away my troubles and my fears.

I saw the storm, bore witness to its power. I realized the storm had a message for us.

The storm is an invitation to recognize:

  • That in a natural state we are imperfect

  • That we all experience the wounding of perfectionism

  • That the revolution is not a fist-pumping war, but a graceful, internal shift

  • The difference between ego and spirit

You are not alone, there are many elements that combine to create a storm.

You are not broken, you are perfect in your imperfections.

There is no one right way to engage in transformational change. The answer is within us and only we know what is best for us. We are raised to believe that everybody else knows the answer and the knowledge we seek is external. This is the myth of perfection.

Suffering, like the storm, is a collective experience.

See what is stirring up inside of you.

Recognize the voice inside of you that is asking for more, more, more.

As the storm rages outside your door, what is stirring up inside of you?

How can you ask for more?

Sending you love from the trees.


Dr. Melissa Bird

PS. This summer I will be talking about the art of the graceful revolution and the 5 tributaries to becoming your natural self.

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