On August 16, 2010 my wife of 6+ years left me 5 hours after I had been inseminated. I was DEVASTATED. I crumpled into the fetal position on the kitchen floor and didn’t move for 3 days. While I was down there I prayed in earnest for the first time in my life.
Dear God, please give me someone who loves me for who I am and give me my own family.
Eventually that someone showed up. He was a he. He was in the Army. He was getting divorced. He had 3 kids. Our lives were messy. Together we were unstoppable.
My infertility and heartbreak led to the greatest love of my life and my deepest revolutionary inspiration. His name is Sean Jameson Kelly. When I met him he was barely walking and he wasn’t talking. He was still in diapers. He loved Batman.

Photo by Cat Palmer
Sean believes deeply in justice. He always has ever since he was teeny tiny. He is the kindest, gentlest, most caring human being I have ever known. He has a deep spiritual connection to the universe. He believes in the mysticism of religion. He is inquisitive and smart and concerned about the state of affairs in our country.
Mom I have been thinking a lot about what is means to be a human and what it means to be a spirit. Do you ever think about what that means? I mean how did we become humans? Why are we human? What does that mean?
Despite my deep wanting to birth a human, I have never been able to create one in my womb. On August 16, 2010 I received the greatest gift of my life – every wall I had built up was destroyed in the course of an hour – and I was able to received the greatest love I have ever received in my life.
Sean taps into the best of me and teaches me to discard the rest.
Sean reminds me that women are well placed to make great change right now. Sean reminds me that women have always done great things under complicated circumstances. Sean reminds me that questions are good and it is ok to ask them.

Every single morning Sean lays beside me and says, “Mom, you are awesome and I love you.” Because of him I know that there is no limit to the value that I create in this world. Because of him I know that I am on the right path. I do my work simply by being tapped into what I love and believe, what flips my skirt and lights me on fire.
Sean wants us all to start some mayhem and raise some hell and to remember to do it from a space of LOVE.
Have a great Monday y’all, XOXO Dr. Melissa Bird
P.S. I am a coach. If you have a project, a need, a desire, a deep calling but don’t know where to start I would LOVE to help you figure it out. To discover more about how to work with me send me an email today!
P.P.S. I do community based workshops to help women tap into their passions to make a difference right in their own backyards. If you want to bring Fanning the Flames to your community, send me an email and let me know. If you are in Oregon and want to come to my next workshop on April 28, 2018, click here for the details!
P.P.P.S. If you want to support my writing and revolutionary antics for as little as $5/month you can become one of my AMAZING patrons at Patreon! In return you get exclusive content and some special messages just for you!