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Sacred Rage - A Post Election Message

Beloved, I see you there in mourning and wrapped up in your sacred rage. I have been thinking of you for the last 24 hours. I have been praying for you and thinking of all of us as a nation and where we go next. The thought kept coming into my mind, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”

For many this is an awakening, for others we have been here doing this work for decades. Never fear, there is room for all of us at the table. Especially if you are curious and open to asking tough questions and hearing tough answers.

YOU are a beacon of justice and change. Expand your heart and open wide.

Focus on what matters most to you. Focus on what this election means. This election is not a resounding disruption of racism and misogyny. In fact, I would say that it is an election steeped in fear of what we don’t know. It is obvious that this is an awakening of spirit. It is a calling for us to think about how much more work we have to do.

Imagine if you will that 20 of us are sitting at a beautiful pine table breaking bread. We enter the room literal strangers but each one of us wants a better world for our children and grandchildren. How do we talk to each other in that moment? How do we spend the next few hours together? Do we hurl epithets at each other? Throw food at each other?

We have spent 400 years steeped in misogyny, racism, and white supremacy. I hope it won’t take us 400 years to get out of it. We must be vulnerable and talk about why we don’t buck the system. We must make amends for our own racist transgressions. And we must have grace to act from a space of love and compassion.

I encourage each one of you to think about what it would mean to you to take nonviolent action. How can you leverage your sacred rage to change your own communities?

The true root of evil is remaining silent.

The true root of evil is dismission of your calling to make change.

The true root of evil is to struggle against the voice of God when they beg you to disrupt the narrative that some of us are better than others.

Engage in wonderful acts of joyful curiosity to call in understanding of difference. Harness your magic and listen to your intuition. Join me at the table. Let’s change the conversation. Action speaks louder than words. Do not be surprised about the news of the election. Use the shock to do something different than you have ever done before.

I love you.

I am here for you.

Any damn time.

Missy xo



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