“It is the qualities of Wisdom, the Mother of all--merciful, gentle, humble, nondual, holistic, benevolent--that we tenderly bear.” -Beverly Lanzetta
I love this time of year for the opportunity it affords us to slow down and breathe deep into the darkness and the expansive power of waiting. I realized that I must be in the minority because I have been hearing from so many people how much they hate this time of year. I am wondering what would happen if we decided not to hate it so much.
What could we learn from the waiting for the light?
What would we explore in the darkness?
If we were an open and accepting womb, what would we be receptive to?
I would receive my infinite capacity for love and abundance.
I would receive the seeds of creation and endless possibility.
I would receive the warmth of the womb of winter rich in pregnant darkness.
What would you be able to receive if you stopped yourself to breathe in the willingness and breathe out transformation? I encourage you to take 10 minutes out of your day to to write about it on a piece of paper.
This is the season of deep longing. Mother Earth gives us the opportunity to go deeper within so that we can fertilize and nurture ideas that we are ready to give birth to. These ideas may need time to gestate before they can grow strong.
This is the season of accepting our purpose. Mother Mary gives us the opportunity to remember that often we are given assignments that we think we could not possibly be ready for, and yet, they become persistent and will not let go.
This is the season of connection to love. That big, deep, glorious love that when we ground ourselves in our deep knowing expands to seep out of our every breathing moment.
We are the embodiment of love in the world. If we stop resisting the dark and tumble into the uncertainty of the season, we are given the gift of provocative opportunities to create indelible magic.
This year, take the pregnant pause. Stop pushing against the inevitable. Give yourself permission to engage in radical transformation. Wrap yourself in love and give yourself the space and strength to accept your purpose.
In this beautiful season of the great mother, I bid you glorious pregnant, gestational love.
Dr. Melissa Bird