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The Secret Power of Imperfect Rituals

What are your rituals?

Do you have any rituals?

Do you wish you were better at rituals?

If you don’t engage in perfect ritual do you think you have failed?

I have lots of rituals.

I read tarot cards, I pray, I write things I am grateful for.

But I don’t do it every day even though I am “supposed to”.

You see ritual is about practice. Think about where we use the word practice.

Medical practice

Yoga practice

Spiritual practice

Life is one big gigantic practice.

But when it comes to our growth and expansion we think to ourselves we are supposed to be perfect if we expect change. And if we aren’t perfect we are failing in some way. We don’t allow ourselves to practice ritual, we expect perfection.

This week I invite you to think about changing how you think about ritual. This week I want you to engage in spiritual practice not spiritual perfection.

Write what you are grateful for more days than not.

Pray to the divine more days than not.

Seek inspiration more days than not.

And do it perfectly imperfect. Practice, don’t become the expert. Just take the glorious risk to engage with your heart more days than you did last week and watch the miracles flow in.

Do you want to learn new ways of expansive practice? Then join me in May for the next round of Rebel School.

12 weeks, 10 women, endless healing

We meet online every Thursday starting May 7.

With Rebel School you get 12 group classes and 3 1:1 coaching sessions.

If you are ready to tap into your feelings and harness your inner rebel sign up today!

I can’t wait to see you there!





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