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Think of your life as a puzzle...

I love 1000 piece puzzles. Every semester when I was getting my PhD I had a tradition of sitting for weeks working on a puzzle. Sometimes the kids would help me, sometimes Jim would help me. For days and days I would sit and work on that puzzle. It was how I turned off my brain from all the work that I was doing.

Puzzles quiet my mind.

Puzzles help me think about the future.

Puzzles allow me the space to daydream about my goals.

Think of your life as a giant mosaic puzzle. What pieces fit and what pieces don’t? Where have you had to change the strategy to reach the grand vision of a finished product?

Recently I have started to think of my business as a gigantic puzzle. Some of the pieces fit and some of them don’t. When they don’t fit I don’t have the luxury of flipping over the table and saying, “SCREW IT”! I just look for a different piece that does fit and then feel that glorious satisfaction when it slides perfectly into place.

Being an entrepreneur means working through a series of actions that don’t necessarily fit. Being an activist certainly means working through a series of actions that might not work. It is a constant cycle of idea, creation, does it work, no try something new OR yes do that again. It is a 5 million piece puzzle with a bazillion different pieces that don’t always fit.

When it does you know it because it resonates with your soul.

When it does you know it because it resonates with your clients.

When it does you know it because God tells you in a million different ways.

I love you.

Rock on,

Dr. Melissa Bird

PS. Do you need help putting together the puzzle of your life? Let’s decide if working together is right for you. Get on my schedule and let’s talk today!



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