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What would it take for people to love you?

A while ago I asked my clients what they think they have to do to receive love from the people in their world.

Their answers were all about action and achievement, doing things perfectly, having a respectable career.

How many times have you fallen into the idea that if you were just perfect, if you were just more respectable, if you were just fill in the blank everything would be ok and people would love you?

I have some good news for you...none of that shit matters.

You don’t have to wait for permission.

You don’t have to wait for perfection.

You don’t have to wait for another damned thing.

Right now this very moment you have the opportunity to think about what is next.

Right now this very moment you have the opportunity to think about what you truly want.

Right now this very moment you have the opportunity to walk away from all you thought was real and live the life you dreamed about when you were a wee kiddo.

Right now you hold all the power inside your heart and soul. You were put here because you are special. Your ideas are yours and yours alone.

We need you to be uniquely you.

We need you to take your dream and make it real.

We need you to ask the questions burning in your heart.

Right now we need you to be too much.

Right now we need you to be trembling rage.

Right now we need you to be the singer, the actress, the priest.

Right now we need you to believe that no matter how far fetched your visions are they are exactly what we have been waiting for.

There are no hard and fast rules to rebellion.

Carry on.


Dr. Melissa Bird



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