Darling, these words came pouring from my soul asking to be shared with you, please enjoy:
You have a wanderers soul and a warrior spirit. You ARE a warrior. Declare it.
Your identity is challenged because of the boxes of misogyny and power and control. These are not characteristics of the feminine. These are the tools of death, shame, and wounding.
The warrior woman has an untamed wild heart that knows the exact moment for action. We know when to rest and when to push. We challenge the power structure with this divine knowing.
We push the boundaries of magical and extraordinary. We smell like cedar and sage and are glorious in our rooted down oak-like strength. We are ferocity expressed.
We are different.
We don’t fit the mold.
We are a magic that isn’t meant for everyone.
We drink copious amounts of tea and commend our spirits to God, the Creator, the Divine Feminine, and magick. This reality opens us up to connect with exactly our people. When you are questioned, remember that curiosity doesn’t kill the cat, it leads to possibility.
You are free to be YOU. You are free to be the entirety of YOU.
Yes, we are here to bear witness to the glory of your shining, majestical, passionate soul. Everything you do, everything you are, is exactly as it was meant to be.
Let go of that heavy burden you are holding onto. That idea that you don’t know, that you are too much, that you are wrong.
You are wonderful. You are a wonder. You are a miracle of space and time and you are right there on purpose.
Be the peaceable warrior you were called here to be. Be the outspoken divine transformative beacon of glorious light that I see emanating from your heart.
I am so glad you were born.
Thank you for being here.
I love you so much.
